GPN CTF 2024 logo GPN CTF 2024


  • We will primarily use Discord for communication (join the Server now). Alternative communication channels TBA.
  • Each player may only participate in one team. The number of players participating in a single team is not limited. You may share one account to access the contest platform.
  • If you have a question or a problem, please reach out to us (e.g. if a seemingly valid flag gets rejected).
  • The flag format is GPNCTF{.*} (only printable ASCII characters), unless specified otherwise in the challenge description. For example, GPNCTF{I'm_gonna_say_goodbye_now._Have_fun_with_the_other_challenges} is a valid flag.
  • We use dynamic scoring. That means, challenges which are solved more often will be worth less points. Every team that solves a challenge is awarded the same amount of points, the scores will be updated dynamically.

The following behavior is strictly prohibited:

  • Any behavior that affects the fairness of the contest.
  • Posting or sharing task solutions or flags.
  • Attacking the contest infrastructure or systems of organizers or other participants. Only the servers mentioned in challenge descriptions or resources are in scope. The event is hosted during the GPN22, but attacking GPN infrastructure is strictly prohibited.
  • Exploiting vulnerabilities in the contest infrastructure or purposefully breaking challenges for others. If you find such a vulnerability, please report it to us.